
From January to June 2024, the young people involved in Tracer project activities showed the artistic products realized during the workshops at several public events.

In Modena (Italy), a conference entitled 'Art and Memory' was held on 13 January to unveil and present to the city the mural created by the young people. The presentation event was also followed by a public debate attended by the associations and some local institutional representatives (Municipality of Modena, University of Florence, Ketanè Movement and Sucar Drom Association).

In Florence (Italy), on 26 January, the presentation event of the theatrical performance prepared by the group of young people from Prato and Florence was held at the Deportations Memorial. After the greetings of the local institutional authorities and a presentation of the Tracer project, the theatrical performance prepared by the group "Objects telling stories. Traces of Roma and Sinti history between past and present'.

In Naples (Italy), in the same period and again as part of the awareness-raising events connected with the International Day of Remembrance, a cultural event open to the public was organised on 27 January to present the animated short film 'RUKELI'. This is an animated reinterpretation of the story of the boxer Trollmann made by Alessandro Rak with the students of the ITI G. Ferraris and the young people of the Roma community, in particular the leading group involved in the Tracer project.

In Zabrze (Poland), on 14 March, an event was held to present the child-friendly booklet telling the story of the Roma people in Poland. The event was held at the school and aimed at students and teachers as some of the school children participated in art workshops, contributing to the creation of the drawings that were reproduced in the booklet entitled "Mieszkamy tu z dziada pradziada. Opowieści z historii Romów - We have been living here for a long time. The history of the Roma people'.

In Figueira da Foz (Portugal) on 14 June during the João de Barros school fair, the work of the young leaders in the creation of the mural and the drawings made by the students participating in the didactic workshops were presented. The event takes place every year at the end of the school year and serves to show parents and the local community the work done during the year by the students.

In Braga (Portugal), on 20 June, there was the inauguration of the mural and exhibition with the works created by the students on the theme of Holocaust, discrimination and racism (drawings, letters, artefacts...). The event involved the secondary school students and the entire educational community (teachers, parents, students' families and people from the neighbourhood).

All the material produced will soon be available in a dedicated area of this website.
